Spiritual Flow (75%Xe-25%Ar) (Pink, smooth round zirconium bead)

Use this device in order to manifest action that is directly derived from spiritual focus, from your intent in life, and from your understanding of your life purpose. This helps to become clearer and more aware of your purpose and putting it into physical action. This is the manifestation of spirit into form. This device offers a combining of the higher chakras above the head with the solar plexus chakra, thus creating a greater sense of personal power and spiritual flow. By using this combination there will be more energy for many important physical components with an emphasis on cleansing. With the regenerative capabilities of xenon combined with the location of the 3rd chakra that argon impacts upon, near so many important organ systems, there is always the potential for physical change in some of these systems. The point being is that one is consciously releasing what one does not need so all things that distract or are not in harmony with the spiritual focus can be let go of. There is value in this device for helping someone to grow through forgiveness of self and others as well as a greater recognition of personal boundaries.


Additional information

Weight2 oz
Pendant Color

White, Green, Purple, Blue, Gold, Black, Hot Pink, No Pendant/Coil