Planetary Elixirs

There are many aspects that are intrinsic to human nature associated with the planets. There are various ways in which the planets contain elements, beings, and energies so similar in makeup to the Earth and Sun because it all came from the same originating area and material. These are so far away from all of the other stars; therefore, one is strengthening aspects of one’s own consciousness and personality that are closer to one’s DNA, one’s own physical nature, and so on.

You will also discover that there is another application here, it is the attunement to the solar system. As we have spoken to you about this; intelligences, various enhancements of energy, beings, etc. are associated with so many of the objects in your solar system. Why not open to them a little more consciously by moving through the elixirs of the planets in sequence, use them yourself on a regular basis in order to enjoy the energy. The use of the planetary elixirs will also prevent some of the more difficult astrological issues.

There will naturally be greater attunement to this occurring and you will understand more of what is going on with the energies associated with these planets, and be aided and assisted by the beings that are working with them. It may not be a direct assistance, but it is likely to be assistance nevertheless.

One can start using each planet elixir each month, beginning on the new moon until the next new moon, from the sun heading out towards Pluto in sequence. You can also just tune in and see what seems appropriate, or you can also utilize astrological timings to come up with a sequence. What is most important is that the individual gradually over time be exposed to all of the solar system influences.