About Pegasus Products

Pegasus Products has been in existence since 1981. The original Caretaker was Gurudas, author of some of the most influential books on vibrational healing and the uses of flower remedies and gem elixirs.

Fred Rubenfeld took on the role of Caretaker for Pegasus Products in 1987.  He owned an apothecary in Manhattan, met Gurudas along the way, and agreed to move to Colorado to make Pegasus Products his life’s work.  For three decades Fred was instrumental in gathering and disseminating information and frequencies relating to Starlight Elixirs as well as other vibrational tools available here. 

I began collaborating with Fred in 2013 as the co-founder of Siddha Flower Essences.  In 2016, I received a call from Fred’s wife to say that he’d past on while sitting upright in a chair communing with the universe.  Since taking on the role of Caretaker we seek to organize, improve upon, and make available all of the healing potential that is Pegasus Products.  

It’s an inspiring and magnificent cause so thank you for allowing us the opportunity to explore the multidimensional intersection of material and energetic with you.  In this exploration, including bottling, labeling, shipping and taking care of the logistical business practices, the collective “I” that is Pegasus Products offers our highest self when involved in this work.

May these and other remedies, therapies and healings meet with your evolution at the right time.  And in doing so make you more aware and more adept at recognizing who you truly are.

In love and truth,
Stan Deland

An Old Message From Fred

Greetings. My name is Fred Rubenfeld. I have been the caretaker, owner of Pegasus Products since 1987. Prior to that time, I was the maker of my own line of gem elixirs for several years. I was involved in the beginnings of the crystal and stone healing business. What that means is that after a long involvement in the jewelry, refining and precious metals industry I made the business transition to the new burgeoning interest in stones for their transformative and healing uses. This helped me to unify my own personal and spiritual journey of healing work and spiritual growth with my business life.

Within the crystal business I was involved in importing and in creating a unique store in New York to help others explore this kingdom in a safe and joyful environment. I designed and made raw crystal jewelry, taught classes around this country, offered weekly meditations in New York for many years, and provided a place for many noted teachers and seekers to interact. I appeared on national television talking about crystal healing and was a frequent guest on several radio programs. I was quoted in many newspapers, including the New York Daily News, the NY Times, Village Voice, the Star, and others both nationally and internationally.

During this period I studied many forms of healing and was blessed with exceptional teachers both on the physical and vibrational levels. I can not rationally discuss my training and or knowledge without talking about the subject of channeling or mediumship. My path has been closely aligned with this form of learning for more than 20 years. Whatever one feels about this topic, I know how well I have been tutored on many subjects of vibrational healing through this source form various energies. Some of these have been noted historic persons on this planet, others less well known, some elemental energies and some extraterrestrial in nature. The way that this process works is that in addition to voluminous data that is transferred another energy is offered deep within. It is like a vibrational packet of experience that is translated from one’s other embodiments into the present one. What that brings is a reservoir of experience that one can draw from. I received much confidence and faith in this new ability to be much more than what this particular vessel has learned. As my faith grew, much experience and memories of experiences came from many times of working with flowers, stones, elements, and stars.

When in 1987, my friend Gurudas, another noted traveler within the world of research channeling, wanted to sell the business, Pegasus Products, I jumped at the opportunity. I had been using many of the flower essences of Pegasus by that time and I was familiar the products. At the beginning of my stewardship, I once again made contact with other channelers with the emphasis on working with the energy being known as Hilarion. By this time I had many years of prior experience working through channels and I recognized the value and uniqueness of my friend Hilarion, as brought through by Jon C. Fox. It was at this time that Pegasus began the metamorphosis from a company with many products of flowers and gems to a company with a whole lot of vibrational products now more than 1500. I have gone further in co-creating more flower remedies from many countries, many more gem elixirs, and numerous new formulations combining these and other star, planet and element elixirs. I have been helped by many along this path, many who have worked at Pegasus, many customers who have taught much and especially in my collaboration with Michael Smulkis. Mike has had a dramatic influence on bringing the starlight elixirs into being, selflessly spending many a late night in collecting them and working on synthesizing the information in a book form, Starlight Elixirs and Cosmic Vibrational Healing. We are also now completed books on flower essences, gem elixirs, herbs, and other topics.

In addition to all of that there is still much more to come from Pegasus Products in the future. I have taught about vibrational healing in about 20 countries and I will continue to travel. I am also blessed with being a husband and a father to some unique children that are always teaching me in unpredictable ways and am currently planning a teaching schedule in the US and elsewhere.

Thank you to all of the energies that support me and allowing me to serve in such a sublime way and delicious way. I am honored to be at the helm of this company, 22 years old in November 2002, and I will dig deep within myself to guide it into the future of a magnificent new Earth.


Fred Rubenfeld