Triangulum (Combination of Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Trianguli)

This elixir brings an additional ability to empathize, by balancing and blending mental, emotional, and spiritual capacities. Alpha Trianguli brings an energy of balance between the emotional and the physical realms. Gamma has more of an influence on the mental side of existence, offering a quickening and integration of thought patterns. Thus visualization is improved as well as the ability to work with healing by influencing the aetheric body. Beta Trianguli brings the additional ability to empathize by combining of mental, spiritual and emotional capacities.This combination enhances our ability to attune to various aspects of our own existence from a spiritual perspective. This can be useful when one wishes to combine Earthly energy with higher cosmic energies. It is helpful for releasing judgments, as it enhances the willingness to accept how others see things. It’s a wonderful aid in the transfer from three dimensional to fourth dimensional reality as symbolized by the tetrahedron.


Additional information

Weight2.86 oz
Dimensions1.25 × 1.25 × 4 in