Delta Serpens (Two Stars) – Spiritual Development
Energies from this place can inspire various questions for people. How can you work with your guides and helpers more effectively? What are the right questions that you could be asking? How can the energies of those who are more evolved than you be accepted by you without an ego block? How can you understand and work with these energies in such a fashion that they will ultimately be of benefit and help to all? As individuals may wish to attune to all kinds of higher dimensional beings, more developed than yourself, not just the guides and helpers that you are assigned, but the beings that work on many levels, Delta Serpens elixir can be very helpful for bringing this energy into more a conscious form.In addition, the mental causes of illness can be discovered and more easily understood: the various powerful spiritual issues or areas of denial or resistance may be better uncovered. It will of course require the individual to have some degree of self-responsibility in working through the issues involved and confronting any associated blockages, but the encouragement of guides and helpers here can, of course, go a long way towards assisting individuals penetrate more deeply into issues that have been plaguing them, perhaps for lifetimes.
Additional information
Weight | 2.86 oz |
Dimensions | 1.25 × 1.25 × 4 in |