Nealite Loriam (Greece) – Extraterrestrial Relations

Nealite has some intriguing properties with regards to abilities to shift one’s relationship to extraterrestrials, various energies associated with those who have visited this planet, particularly in times long past. The ability to shift people’s perception and the ability to perceive into the subtle dimensions, also seems to be affected by nealite. Nealite does seem to have the capability to do these sorts of things gently, to allow people a gradual shift in how they are able to understand and receive energies, and be able to do this in ways they had not previously seen possible.
The interesting area for nealite is in healing; this is still under some consideration, but it does appear that there are many individuals who do not respond easily to hands-on healing. Yes, it feels good or it is an energy that helps them, but it is as if for it to go further or for it to have deep and long lasting effects, this is not possible. It is as if a new bridge of energy, that which is erected outside the usual pathways, this is enhanced dramatically by nealite. The capacity to do this is of course strengthened if the person using the essence is aware of the energies as they move through their hands and their physical body, and it would be useful for both the client and the healer to use nealite in this way, to take it as an essence, to spray it in the air, but also to have the sense of this as it penetrates into the individual is creating a movement energy between the client and the healer, as if you are both involved in this energy swirling and interacting and somehow clearing whatever might be in the way.
An area of extensive study, are the many ways in which nealite has been utilized across the animal kingdom. The feline kingdom seems to be especially affected here, and ways in which animals are able to shift their connections to humans. But most valuable here is something else entirely, a way in which the animals become more aware of their connection to their original home, their extraterrestrial place that they have lost sight of with their many incarnations and connections to earth and earth people. This enhances healing and strengthening, but it also allows them to receive energy in ways they hadn’t previously, thus again speeding up healing processes for animals.


Additional information

Weight2.91 oz
Dimensions1.25 × 1.25 × 4 in